Tax Preparers in Miami
Are you filing for your tax refund late? Did you miss the deadline to pay your taxes? You unfortunately do receive a penalty for not filing your tax return before the deadline. However, you don’t get a penalty if you’re only filing for a tax refund. The US treasury does keep your tax refund money as donation. In order to avoid late penalties, it’s important that you contact our professional tax preparers in Miami to help assist you with tax preparation. Don’t let procrastination get ahold of you, get all the important documents and forms needed for tax filing with our tax preparers in Miami. Nobody likes losing money, it’s important that you’re prepared with all the necessary papers before it’s too late. If you’re in need to file for tax refund, our consultants obtain the knowledge to provide you with greater deductions and more tax refund. Do you owe taxes? Keep in mind that if you fail to file your taxes, the IRS sends you a reminder bill at first.
Failure to File Taxes
What happens if you just don’t file for taxes at all? If you skip filing taxes this year, don’t think you’ll get away with it. The IRS will make sure you pay your taxes, and there will be penalties. You will be owing more than you owe before and you’ll end up in a bigger debt. Many people choose to not file taxes at all due to financially unstable due to a divorce, illness, etc. It’s necessary that you file for at least for a tax extension on your return by the due date. If you file your tax return 60 days after the regular or extended due date, then you will be owing $135. At Kerr Koncepts, we guarantee our tax preparers in Miami will ensure that you are filing your tax return just in time in order to avoid penalties. We focus on using all our knowledge and tools to provide you with all the assistance you need. It’s important that you are not missing any of the deadlines, and you contact us for any information you need for tax filing questions. If you’re a student and work full-time, allow us to take care of you and your tax responsibilities while maximizing tax refunds through your benefits as a student.
Tax Filing Preparation
It’s extremely necessary that you are filing in time. Allow our tax preparers in Miami to gather all documents to ensure you are not missing any information during your tax filing process. Filing late comes with many consequences that you want to avoid. The following are consequences for not filing tax on time or not at all:
For every month that you fail to pay your owed taxes, the penalty will be a 5% of your unpaid taxes
For a late return, you will owe $135
You will be charged up to 25%
IRS won’t include your deductions
With our Affordable Tax Filing , our professional tax preparers in Miami strive to assist you in filing taxes on time in order to face failure-to-pay penalty. Call today at (305) 387-5880.